Wednesday 15 June 2011

Hector Scerri: Life as a Journey in the Letters of Gregory the Great

The short communication seeks to present the theme of life as a journey in a carefully-chosen selection of letters from the Registrum epistularum of Gregory the Great. An indepth study of the five letters in question reveals a detailed picture of the man of God who was a just and tactful administrator, but who was also a man of the people. Aware of the fact that this Church Father wrote with remarkable dexterity and artistry on countless topics to a whole spectrum of people from all walks of life in a variety of circumstances, this study seeks to focus on a pivotal existential theme: the image of life as a journey with its ups, downs and meanderings. Gregory’s profound knowledge of human nature can be extrapolated from an exegesis of the five letters which are the scope of this research. 

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